Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At MineProxima, we highly value the privacy of our users. When you visit our website and use our services, we implement the highest standards of security measures to protect your personal information.


Collection and Use of Personal Information

  • We collect basic personal information such as name and email address from our users, which is necessary to provide our services.
  • The collected personal information is used to enhance user experience, communicate information about our services, and provide user support.
  • Our users' personal information is never shared with third parties under any circumstances, except as required by law.

Information Security

  • We apply technological security measures and procedures to protect the security of our users' personal information.
  • Our data storage and processing practices adhere to the latest security standards to protect personal information.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

  • Our website uses cookies and similar tracking technologies to improve user experience and analyze how our website is used.
  • Users can manage and, if necessary, disable cookies through their web browser settings.

User Rights

  • Our users have control over their personal information and have the right to update, access, or delete their information at any time.
  • For questions about our privacy policy or the processing of your personal information, please contact us at

Thank you,
The MineProxima Team