Delivery Policy

Delivery Policy

At MineProxima, we are dedicated to ensuring the swift and smooth delivery of the digital products offered on our server. All digital products purchased through our website are delivered digitally, immediately following the confirmation of payment.


Instant Delivery

  • Upon the completion of your purchase and the confirmation of your payment, your digital products will be instantly delivered to your Minecraft account.
  • Delivery is expected to occur immediately after the purchase transaction. However, please be aware that delivery may occasionally be delayed due to technical issues.
  • If you experience any problems with delivery, please contact our support team by sending an email to

Technical Issues

  • In the event of a delay caused by technical issues, we will work promptly to resolve the situation.
  • Customer satisfaction is crucial to us, and we aim to provide quick and effective solutions to any delivery problems that may arise.

Final Note

At MineProxima, we offer digital products that enhance your in-game experience. Our delivery policy is designed to ensure that your purchases are completed quickly and without hassle. If you have any questions about our delivery policy or processes, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Thank you,
The MineProxima Team